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Always With Me

ben mell

01 We're Lifting You Up High

Before modern sound systems were invented, we knew that the person who was physically positioned above everyone was the person in charge. They were on a stage or high place because speaking from an elevation was the only way a lot of people could hear the same thing. It's the physics of sound! This song endeavors to direct our attention to Jesus and what he said: "We're lifting you up high so we can hear you". The verses consider the mystery of trying to see and hear an invisible God. Jesus reveals who God is. Practically, then, the task is to shut my own mouth and look at Jesus.



In 2014, Ben Mell was part of a team that planted a church in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.

As the church grew, so did a crop of simple songs written for its people to connect with their maker. They sung together about hearing God's voice, partnering with God in the work of ordinary life, and responding with joy and generosity to bless the world.

If you would like to hear these songs in person, come enjoy the small church outside Philadelphia called Conshohocken Vineyard.

Before this project, Ben wrote and performed with a band called Constant Recourse. Their projects are linked below.



  • Apple Music
  • Spotify
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